The Lust List
I am a big believer in style over fashion. “Fashion fades, only style remains the same” Coco Chanel. There is nothing wrong with looking over old photos pointing and giggling at the incredibly ill-advised fashion decisions of that particular era, in fact it’s one of the most fun things to do. Fashion is fun. End of story. If you have the love for something and you think you can pull it off what does it matter if it’s a very 90’s, reversible bomber jacket that was black on one side, orange on the other with a giant Spice Girls emblem sprawled across it? Wear it, love it, never regret it! (I loved that coat). But for me there is a time and place for fashion, walking into a ball wearing neon high tops and metallic leggings isn’t ideal!
Teal Dress
Lime Crime Velvetines at CutECOsmetics

Red Ombre Jeans from Asos
Chelsea Satchel from The Cambridge Satchel Company

Pink Dress from Oasis

Stripy Watches!

Alice in Wonderland Scarf
Map Watch
Blue Skinnies

Achor Earrings

I find that high street stores at the minute can be very….blah. I’m not the biggest lover on going on shopping trips. I get hot and flustered. I hate the bustling around people, queuing (how very unBritish of me!), trying on 50 different items of clothes in the right size yet only 1 of them fitting right - if that. It leaves me feeling fat, hot, flustered and generally a little grumpy. The shops are always too small, dark and everything is kind of shoved together so you can’t get a good look. So I recently turned to the Internet to find little treasures. And find I did!
I know I can’t be the only one out there who hates shopping so I thought I’d whack together My Lust List for you to peruse. I will keep it updated with new treasure that I stumble across!
I do not claim that I now about fashion. Not in the slightest but I do know what I like and isn't that the most fundamental part of style?
Teal Dress
Lime Crime Velvetines at CutECOsmetics

Red Ombre Jeans from Asos
Chelsea Satchel from The Cambridge Satchel Company

Pink Dress from Oasis

Stripy Watches!

Alice in Wonderland Scarf
Map Watch
Blue Skinnies

Achor Earrings

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