Challenge No.1

A big reason for me setting upon the blogiverse journey is for me to challenge myself. I am a big believer that without challenge you can’t grow.

So I’m starting small (I hope it’s small).

I was recently perusing Pinterest (You can follow me here) and I spotted this:

I thought it was a bit late to jump on the bandwagon for August now………but why not do one for September?!

I was looking at some of the lists thinking that there would be no way I could ever achieve them so I’m going to set some for myself……or even better you can give me some ideas!

By the 31st August I will construct my list and I will post it on my Pinterest account. If you have any ideas pop them in the comments below, with a date if you want to! - and I will add them to my list!

Once September is done I will post the photos in a post!

Wish me luck!!!


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