The Mint Cake Club!
There are some cakes in the world that deserve a fanfare. So with this in mind:
Baba ba da baaaaaaaaaa! (Fanfare).
This is quite possible the best thing I have devised by myself ever. There isn't always 100% self confidence between me and my baking, and there are often times when I am rendered frantic with a deranged desire to get revenge on a non compliant baked good with a wooden spoon. However, it is worth all of the flour covered clothes and butter in hair moments when something like this rocks up.
This baby is a vanilla and chocolate layer covered with minty butter cream. It is very yummy......although a little will go a long way.........the calories.....oh,heaven's to Betsy, the calories.
I'm not one for simple recipes and this one is definitely not here it goes (good luck!):
175g Plain flour
1tsp Baking powder
Pinch of salt
1tsp Vanilla essence
3 Eggs
- Cream the butter and them add in the sugar. Mix until light.
- Add the vanilla essence to the creamed butter and sugar mix.
- Now add the eggs to the mix, one at a time mixing well after each addition (if the mixture starts to curdle add a spoon of the flour mix)
- Once all of your eggs are mixed in add the flour mix.
- Divide the mixture between two 20cm tins.
- Bake for 20 to 25 mins (depending on your oven).
- Once golden brown and springy to the touch take out of oven and allow to cool completely.
250ml Boiling water
225g plain flour
1tsp Baking Powder
1tsp Bicarbonate of soda
150g Caster Sugar
150g Unsalted butter
2 eggs
- Put Cocoa Powder and Muscavado sugar into a bowl and then pour over the boiling water, whisk well then leave to cool.
- Cream together the caster sugar and butter.
- Add your eggs one by one to the creamed butter mix, adding a spoon of the flour mix each time to prevent curdling.
- Mix in the remaining flour.
- Add to this the cocoa mix, which should now have cooled.
- Mix well then divide the mix between two 20cm tins.
- Bake for 30 minutes.
- Once baked (the cake will have cracks along the top and will spring back when gently pressed) allow to cool completely.
1tbsp Milk
- Cream together the sugar and butter
- Add the milk
- Mix well
- Allow to stand for 10 mins
Green food colouring
- Add food colouring to the butter cream recipe until you reach desired shade J
- Bash up the club bars until they are just crumbs
- Mix two thirds into the butter cream.
- Allow to stand for 10 mins.
Baba ba da baaaaaaaaaa! (Fanfare).
This is quite possible the best thing I have devised by myself ever. There isn't always 100% self confidence between me and my baking, and there are often times when I am rendered frantic with a deranged desire to get revenge on a non compliant baked good with a wooden spoon. However, it is worth all of the flour covered clothes and butter in hair moments when something like this rocks up.
This baby is a vanilla and chocolate layer covered with minty butter cream. It is very yummy......although a little will go a long way.........the calories.....oh,heaven's to Betsy, the calories.
I'm not one for simple recipes and this one is definitely not here it goes (good luck!):
For the vanilla sponge:
150g of softened unsalted butter (or salted butter if you don’t want to put a pinch of salt in later)
150g Caster Sugar175g Plain flour
1tsp Baking powder
Pinch of salt
1tsp Vanilla essence
3 Eggs
- Preheat oven to 180˚C (for a fan assisted oven)
- Sift together the baking powder, flour and salt, then put to one side. - Cream the butter and them add in the sugar. Mix until light.
- Add the vanilla essence to the creamed butter and sugar mix.
- Now add the eggs to the mix, one at a time mixing well after each addition (if the mixture starts to curdle add a spoon of the flour mix)
- Once all of your eggs are mixed in add the flour mix.
- Divide the mixture between two 20cm tins.
- Bake for 20 to 25 mins (depending on your oven).
- Once golden brown and springy to the touch take out of oven and allow to cool completely.
For the devils food cake:
50g Cocoa Powder
100g Dark Muscavado Sugar250ml Boiling water
225g plain flour
1tsp Baking Powder
1tsp Bicarbonate of soda
150g Caster Sugar
150g Unsalted butter
2 eggs
- Preheat oven to 180˚C (for a fan assisted oven).
- Sift together the baking powder, flour and bicarb, then put to one side. - Put Cocoa Powder and Muscavado sugar into a bowl and then pour over the boiling water, whisk well then leave to cool.
- Cream together the caster sugar and butter.
- Add your eggs one by one to the creamed butter mix, adding a spoon of the flour mix each time to prevent curdling.
- Mix in the remaining flour.
- Add to this the cocoa mix, which should now have cooled.
- Mix well then divide the mix between two 20cm tins.
- Bake for 30 minutes.
- Once baked (the cake will have cracks along the top and will spring back when gently pressed) allow to cool completely.
For base frosting layer (required as a crumb seal):
500g Icing sugar
160g Butter1tbsp Milk
- Cream together the sugar and butter
- Add the milk
- Mix well
- Allow to stand for 10 mins
For the mint frosting:
Butter cream cream recipe from above (but only use 400g icing sugar)
4 Mint club bars Green food colouring
- Add food colouring to the butter cream recipe until you reach desired shade J
- Bash up the club bars until they are just crumbs
- Mix two thirds into the butter cream.
- Allow to stand for 10 mins.
White chocolate ganache:
300ml double cream
300g white chocolate
- Heat the double cream up in a pan, stir it continuously. Take off heat once the very first few bubbles start to come up.
- Pour the hot double cream over the broken up chocolate and stir until the chocolate is melted. Allow to cool so that it at a thick but pourable point.
To assemble:
Take each cooled cake and slice into 3 thin layers. It’s best to use a bread knife to do this.
Once you have all of the layers you can start to stack them. On top of each layer pour light coating of ganache so that the next layer will stick. Alternate between vanilla and chocolate to get the striped effect.
When you have stacked the final layer wrap the cake tightly in cling film around the edges and place in the fridge for half an hour for it to set.
When the cake has had time to settle (it’s traumatic for the poor thing) you can now ice it. Take the first plain batch of frosting and cover the cake in it. This layer will stop crumbs getting into your top layer and will also give your cake a neater shape.
Let that layer set (usually about 30 mins in the fridge)
Once that layer is set cover the cake with your mint layer. Sprinkle your left over club crumb on top then Voila!
Yums away!

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