Family, Food Festivals, and Baybies

Mr M and I have both got friends and family that live all over the place. In so many ways it’s horrible not being able to see the people you are close to as often as you want to, buuuttt it does give you a great excuse for a cheeky visit and a wander around their world. So this is exactly what we do!
Some of Mr M’s family live in a place called Beverly near Hull, UK. Whilst Hull has recently featured on Britain’s worst towns to live in list, Beverly couldn’t be further from the worst place to live! It’s a quaint little town that is packed with character, good shopping, great food, a Cathedral (It’s definitely a town…not a city. I checked!), and most importantly family! We go up for fairly regular visits so we are getting to know the area quite well.
Something we know is that there is usually something going on in or around Beverly. We went up recently and were very lucky to discover that the day we were going up this time just so happens to be Beverly’s big food festival! Perfect! 

I'm going to let the photos do the talking, otherwise I would rattle out a very long post!

Mmmmm Pastry.

This stall had more varieties of chilies than I ever knew existed! We came away with a Hungarian variety............ because I'm cool I call them Hungarian Horntails....they pack a right punch!

We also bought on of these little baybies.....did you see what I did there?! 

I'm not a fan of clowns.....I papped and ran! 

Beautiful Homemade was divine!

A band on the bandstand to keep the crowds amused, not that they needed amusing! 

This was a chirzo stand, it must have been mobbed; everything was gone by the time we got there.

The day was a complete success! As well as all of the stalls there was a marquee that had live demonstrations from local Michelin Star chef's running throughout the day. We've had the privilege of eating in one of the pubs that did a demonstration, The Pipe and Glass, and we can vouch for the amazing quality of food!   We got some lovely tarts to have with the family to munch on while we had a good old catch up. It was a brilliant day. Plus I got to play and cuddle with this little cutie:

 This is Flo and she is a tiny ball of cute playfulness! The perfect cherry on a outstanding day!


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