Same Love

Every so often there is a song that you hear that makes you stop in your tracks and think "I absolutely need to know who this is." Sometimes it's a new song, sometimes it's an old song, sometimes it's a song that you've heard before just never in that particular way.

I don't know about you but I don't often get that feeling, without sounding like an aged old fart, modern music just doesn't seem to have soul or fight any more. To be honest sometimes I think it all sounds a bit familiar, so familiar that it sends me running under some 60's shaped rock refusing to resurface until the boy bands go away (sorry 1D, Wanted, Lawson (sp), United J....or whatever your name is). Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of todays music, some of it is beautiful.

But once every so often there comes that one song that you didn't know was missing until you hear it. I thought I'd heard all of my goosebump inducing music a long time ago, but I was clearly wrong.

There I was driving in my little tin box having just hollered along beautifully to Jessie J's Wild (I like her, she's good. I don't care what you think) when Mr Greg James (That's right, Radio 1. Deal with it.) announced the arrival of Macklemore. Now, I'm not a big rap fan. I'm more at home with Paloma Faith, Passenger, Ben Howard-esque music. However Macklemore does have a place in my virtual jukebox. So when Mr Greg James announced Macklemore I thought nothing more than "hmm, good tunes". But then Same Love started to play. It was the first time I had heard it and the goosebumps came thick and fast.

It is a beautiful song with a strong message. I have read a few scathing reviews on this song being "nothing new" and "commonplace". I don't agree. I love this song and I think it does a great job of portraying the message. Well done Macklemore. Well played.

Have a little listen, see what you think (I love the piano, I'm a sucker for a good piano).


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