A Spicy Sensation!

Each Christmas/birthday/general-present-giving day I always struggle with ideas for Mr M. He is a very tricky young man to buy for and I'm pants at thinking up good ideas. He, however, is like some kind of present God, I think he has a radar that guides him to the perfect gift, which leads me to wonder if I actually married Santa........

Anyway, moving on from searching in his wardrobe for a big red suit, this Christmas I decided that he was going to get a good present if it killed me. So I took to Not On The Highstreet.

If you have never had a look on NotOnTheHighstreet.com it is definitely worth a venture. You can find all sorts on there.....literally! There is everything from homeware to wedding gifts to food, it rarely lets me down, giving me a good stead for finding the perfect gift for Mr M.

I searched for "Gifts for Him" and sat flicking through the options until I fell upon a subscription to a Spicery, namely 'The Spicery'. I swear there were angels and they were singing "Hallelujah" (may have just been me.....).

It was perfect! Mr M loves curries and always asks if we can have them at home but there are usually so many spices that you need to get and we would have to travel a long way to get them it just never seems worth it. The Spicery solves that problem. You sign up for a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription, decide whether you want the Friday Night Curry or the World Kitchen package and every month they send you a box filled with all of the spices you need to make a curry. They send you the spices for a different curry every month and if you go online and don't like the sound of the curry for the month you can have a different option. For the 3 month subscription it is £20, sounds like a lot initially but once you realise what you get for that it is actually incredibly good value!

I got Mr M a 3 month subscription. He loved it! (Phew!) The first thing he did was change the first months curry. Within days of ordering the first box it arrived on our doormat with effortless ease. The boxes are small enough to be pop through your letterbox with no hassle.

I was incredibly impressed with what came! The box was fit to bursting with all of the different spices and it smelt amazing!

The box comes with a recipe card (which lists what you need for the curry i.e. chicken, tomato etc.) and a method card telling you how to do it.

Each recipe card lists the spice blends and exactly what's in them so you can go and buy the spices in the future....alternatively you can pop on The Spicery website and buy the blends on there.

You also get a free sample of spice which if you look up on The Spicery website you can get recipe ideas for.

Every 3 months they also send you a free recipe, with spices. It is amazing!

We eventually plucked up the courage to make up the curry, which was a Madras. The instructions were super easy to follow and after a lot of "Oh" "Ah" and "Ermmegerd"'s we sat down to an absolutely amazing meal.

With the Friday Night Curry you get the spices for a full meal so you get your curry spices, your rice spices and any side dish spices.

It didn't take us long to demolish!

The recipes are enough for four, which works out well for Mr M and me because we half the amount of everything so we can have it again!

If you love curries then this is perfect; the spices are amazing, the recipes are easy to follow and you easily get more than your monies worth!

Great value, amazing quality, and fabulous idea! You can find them directly through their website here, or on highstreNotonTheHighStreet.com here.


  1. Never heard of this but what a fantastic idea! x

  2. It really is! They've really hit on something with this.

    B x

  3. thats a really cool gift and the food looks so yummy!


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