A Jolly Holiday & A Little Extra

Recently, and not recently at all, Mr M and I spent a few days in Plymouth. It's a monster drive from the East Midlands but having done it a gabillion times (it's a real amount) and with the call of  Pasty's it's a drive we take as often as we can.

Plymouth and me go way back, it has a massive place in my heart and it's somewhere I could not live without visiting. There is so much sentiment there that the sheer thought of it brings me out in a little idiot grin, and whilst travelling to new places and going on fresh new adventures is great, sometimes treading those familiar streets is just what you need for a break. 

It's quite grounding going back to a favourite place I find, and as I've gotten older I've fast learnt that even when you think you know everything about a place there is still something new to find and explore. 

Both Mr M and I have roots down South, he's more East and I'm more West but we are both definitely Southerners at heart. It has been a goal of ours for a while now to eventually move back down to "The South". 

It's a goal that we are finally putting into action. With all the boring grown up stuff around jobs, mortgages, and house prices, it's something that isn't going to happen over night, but we are starting to tidy our house up a bit and make the preparations to make one of the biggest moves in our lives. 

It could take a year, it could take 3 but it's exciting and scary, and a little bit daunting at the same time. But, hey, all the best things are, right? 

Anyway, the holiday.....and the pasty's!


  1. I love that part of the country but now I'm living in the North East it's an absolute treck and a half to get there! I've recently realised we can fly though, my friend is getting married in Cornwall next year and it's good to know we can jump on a plane to the South West sunshine :D

    Chloe x

    1. Flying is the only option when you're that fair away! I love the determination to get there!!!

      B x

  2. I went to Plymouth for the first time this summer and it's a really lovely place. We also spent a day at Dartmoor and wow! I loved it. I love being out with nature and I was so great to be able to see the coast from where we spent the night on the moors. I think I fell in love with the south coast and I can't wait to see more!

    1. Dartmoor is beautiful! There are so many stories about it as well that just give it a dark edge which I love! Plymouth is really great....I saw that you nearly went to the National Marine Aquarium when you were there....next time you go it's a must! I love it in there.

      B x


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