#FDBloggers Chat
Last night I hosted the #fdbloggers twitter chat.
If you’re unfamiliar with what a twitter chat entails; it’s the opportunity for bloggers to come together in a designated time slot, on a fairly regular basis, to chat about hot blogging topics. There are loads of them out there that cover every subject, the #fdbloggers chat is a chat aim at food bloggers.
Chats are incredibly fun and incredibly exhausting so there are some weeks that you just can’t keep up. For those that waved the white flag on last night’s chat, couldn’t make it, haven’t got access to twitter, or even if you’re not a blogger and would like to be involved I thought I’d run a little summary and give you the chance to get involved if you wanted to!
The Topic:
Food Blogging: The Categories, The Perks & The Pains!
Question 1:
My favourite answer:
The majority of people involved in last night's chat seemed to sit firmly in the baking/dessert category, although there was a good showing of healthy bloggers to balance out all the naughties!
Question 2:
The biggest pain was almost unanimous: Photography and lighting! I think everyone who blogs struggles with lighting, whether it's at home or in restaurants, it's not as simple as just waiting for sunlight in the food blogging world!
My favourite answer to this question, simply because it's so true!:
Question 3:
Favourite tweet:
Photography, whilst a devil to start with, seems to become a challenge. Most of the blogger's chatting last night saw it as a challenge and as a result grew to love it. I'm firmly in this camp, but whilst it may be a friend it's a bloody frustrating one that we want to hit. Really hard. In the face. Just sometimes!
The main tips that came out of it were watch your lighting, use props, research your techniques and just have fun with it!
Question 4:
The general consensus seemed to be meeting other bloggers and foodies was the biggest perk, however, the perk of having people be inspired by your creations came up. Having other people try your recipes at home is a massive confidence boost and spurs you on. It's almost, just almost, a rite of passage, maybe?
My favourite answer:
Question 5:
This got a lot of conversation flowing. PR opportunities are like gold dust and sometimes it can seem like you're shooting into the dark with them but there was some great advice that flew around:
Question 6:
Trends is always a conversation starter! They are like marmite and some people love them and some hate them. The majority of bloggers on last nights chat were selective as to what trends they favoured. I'm a sucker for some trends like Macarons for example, but I can't stand the cupcake trend! It's a fickle, fickle world out there.
At the end of every chat I host I like to make sure that people spread the love. Most chats end with an influx of people dropping their links and running, naming your favourites is a great way to connect and it gives people a boost too; bonus!
If you've never taken part in a chat you should! They are so much fun and they are a great way of connecting with other bloggers. If you've thought about hosting but held back; don't! Get up to your elbows in it, it's brilliant!
I love hosting the #fdbloggers chat, it's always a total blast and everyone chatting are always really engaging! Thank you if you took part and that you for letting me host!
The #fdbloggers chat takes place on a Thursday night 8pm to 9pm GMT.
Want to get involved in the chat? Leave your thoughts, questions and ideas in the comments box!
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