White Chocolate Cream Tart

There is a pub not too far (half an hour drive!) from where I live that sells the most amazing cheesecake. If you follow me on Instagram (If you don’t you should, it’s a glorious collage of cake, cat and dog) you’ll have seen this beast:

I kid you not when I say that this slice of cheesecake is as tall as a your head….if you had a small head. It is prepackage, mass produced, over-sized and lighter than air. Honestly, it has the texture of squirty cream with the taste of the most creamy cheesecake you will ever eat. It is delightful. I have never eaten a cheesecake as light as this one. I have no doubt that there are more additives in this thing than there are in a Sunny D factory but it is worth every bite.

The only problem is I want to create it. I want to be able to make it at home, where I could eat it in my pants whilst watching Sex and The City reruns. I’m positive that the only reason it is that so light is down to the mass produce machine it gets churned out from but I had to try.

After sitting and munching my way through an investigatory slice – for investigation purposes only, of course – I settled on the fact that the cheesecake was actually more of a cream cake. Think truckloads of whipped cream and a teaspoon of cream cheese. With this in mind I decided to go extreme and try it – minus the cheese.

I wanted to see if I was right, and in order to find out I decided to take away the cheese element to see how light a cream tart would be. So I tried it.

It turns out a cream tart is very light, and incredibly lovely. But it just wasn’t right. It wasn’t the right kind of light. It wasn’t soft and silky. It was light, but just light. 

It seems that my dream of eating this cheesecake in my pants in front of SATC reruns is to stay a dream, but hey, it’s all good; I learnt how to make this. Plus....the pub does take out!

The Recipe:

The Ingredients:
125g butter
55g muscovado sugar
180g plain flour
300ml double cream
300g White Chocolate
100g milk chocolate to decorate

The Method:
Beat together butter and sugar until smooth. Add flour to make a doughy paste. Roll out the dough and put in lined tart tin. Prick with fork over the base and bake in the oven for 10mins at 180 degrees. Allow to cool.

Melt white chocolate and leave to cool back to room temp. Whip cream until stiff. Add the chocolate to the cream and whip to combine. Put in cooled tart tin and refrigerate until set. Chop up your milk chocolate and use to decorate.

Let me know if you give it a go....and you should, it's super easy and tasty! 


  1. This does sounds really tasty! I do love cheesecake too, I'd be tempted to try half and half with the cream and cheese.

    1. I've tried something similar since and the cheese helps to lift it....it's still not the same but then again I'm not certain that it's legal to use the chemicals that are probably in the original inspiration in a non-commercial kitchen!!

      B x


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