
When Lion Eggs got in touch to ask me if I would be interested in collaborating with them for a blog post I got oddly eggs-cited; it's time for some egg appreciation and that means only one thing: brunch!

It may sound strange but to me eggs are the be all and end all of ingredients in my kitchen, primarily because without them I couldn't bake half the things I do. It is invariably "EGGS! I need eggs!" that I'm shouting at Mr M as he heads out on an ingredient run. Usually followed by "FREE RANGE!" from the bedroom window as he walks down the street. OK, maybe not from the bedroom window, I possess slightly more decorum than that....only slightly mind you.

For all the blogging I do about baking I very rarely take the time to appreciate the humble egg. It's a complete staple for me and one that I am forever grateful for, to the point that one day I may have to get chickens just so that I can have fresh eggs.

A staple though they are for me they are not so much for the mister. He hates them, which makes lazy sunday brunches ideal; all the eggs for me.

Nothing beats a simple egg, bacon and sausage sandwich with homemade bread. Nothing that is other than an egg with a splash of chilli sauce on it...or beans with chilli sauce, but not too much......

Lion eggs have got some cracking recipes on their website from how to make an omelette to Australian eggs benedict. Well worth a visit if good egg recipes leave your brain feeling scrambled. Best crack on with it.

So here's to the humble egg, saviour of the kitchen and staple at the table.

*This post was written in collaboration with Lion Eggs to publicize their recipes. I was gifted in return for this post, however and as always, this post is a true representation of my opinions and views, all of which are my own. I really do think eggs are amazing. 

**All puns were intended!


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